Winter was not your normal winter this year. Supposedly, it wasn't as cold as it was the year before, although the people who are telling me that are also the ones who had to suffer through the heat being shut off by Russia at the height of the cold last year. Regardless, it was cold enough for this Southern California boy who has never lived an entire winter in a place that snows.
How did I survive? Quite well, actually. I wore thermal underwear everyday, we built fires in our fireplace, and I often found the snow to be particularly beautiful. Here are just a few pics of the first snowfall of the year. Technically, it was the second, as the first occurred the night of Halloween, (and yes, we had an American-style Halloween party, but I've been asked not to post the pictures) but it didn't stick, and I was unable to get pictures of it at the time.
My Daughter the Leprechaun - Part I
7 years ago
Cmon now. Post the halloween pictures.